As you all know, Westlife’s new album 'Where We Are' was released on Monday, and you’ve been letting us know your first impressions of the new songs. Here’s what a few of you are making of the album so far:
gemsywemsy - 'The whole album is just amazing. I hope they get a number one, but if they don't the lads should be so, so proud that they have made such a fabby album. Artists always say, "This is our best album yet" But the lads speak the truth. V.V.V. proud to be fan. Well done boys!!!'
jo5269 - 'Amazing, Astonishing, Astounding, Remarkable, Wonderful, Incredible, Startling, Marvellous, Miraculous, Surprising, Mind-Blowing, Staggering. Yes, I kinda like the new album....'
Scousebird - 'After so long, it's so nice to hear the lads again. I have to say 'Leaving' and 'The Difference' are the best! 'No More Heroes' is a beautiful as well. And 'Reach Out' is the one I am humming the most at work.
'See You Again' has a real military feel to it, like it would be played when troops are deployed in the army on assignment and all the family see you off-I really get that feeling on this song!
Overall, the whole album is really inspirational. I am really looking forward to next tour too!'
KinkysIrishSmile - 'Class... absolutely amazing!!!!! 110% LOVE it!!! Can't wait to hear you perform the songs live!'
angelwest - 'Well, what can I say, another platinum performance from all of you. Exceptional vocals on every track and to choose just one as a favourite would be impossible. I'll see you again makes me cry and alot of the others have potential single written all over them, this is just the kind of album that could help you get closer to your dream off 20 No 1's. Where we are has a fantastic intro and should def be released as a single, don't let excellent songs like How to break a heart, the difference and reach out linger as album tracks, hit singles if ever I heard one. Album now on permanent loop on my iPod, I just love it!! Amazing, Fantastic, Brilliant etc, etc not enough words in any language to describe how good it is, everyone buy it NOW!!!'
If you haven’t yet got your hands on the great new album, what are you waiting for! Follow the links below to grab your copy now... / /
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