Here's our chat topic for this week: if Westlife could duet with anyone, alive or dead, who would you most like to see them perform with? Have your say in the forum now.
Last week you were discussing why you first became a Westlife fan. There were loads of really interesting stories and it was great to read how devoted you are to the boys. Here's one of our favourite posts, written by schnickyrock.
"I actually can't ever remember not liking Westlife! I suppose I must have loved them from the start when they released Swear it Again back in 1999, but I suppose the real turning point, that turned me from a fan into an addict, was on my 18th birthday in 2005. My mum and dad bought me and my sister tickets to Westlife's concert in Birmingham that night (it was the NO1s tour) and it was the first concert I'd ever been to, Westlife or otherwise. I'd always said I'd wanted to go and see the boys live before then but never got the chance. It was extra special that my first ever concert was Westlife and was on my 18th birthday. Well I've never looked back since! From that day on I have now been to all of their tours, joined this forum, seen or recorded every TV appearance of theirs and bought all their cd's, dvd's, even the book and perfume. So it's thanks to my parents and what turned out to be the best birthday present ever, but I think they slightly regret it now when they have to put up with me going on and on about Westlife all the time now!"