For the latest Post Of The Week discussion, we want to know about the friendships you've made through being a Westlife fan. Maybe you've got to know lots of new people on the forum, or have got chatting to other fans at a concert. Perhaps a shared love of Westlife has brought you and a work colleague or school friend closer! Let us know over in the forum now.
Last week, we asked what your favourite piece of Westlife merchandise is. We also wanted to know what new piece of merchandise you'd like to bring out. Our members came up with some great answers, which you can read in the forum. Here's one of our favourites, from Fiona1.
"I have two favourites, 1. The Westlife mug, the black one with a W on and when you put a hot drink into it, it shows up as 'Westlife', I look forward to every cup of tea! ha ha. 2. Has to be the programmes, the Back Home tour stepped up a notch though, with its plastic pages covered in notes by the lads and fantastic pictures. I always look forward to reading the interviews as they give an insight as to what they have been up to since the last tour.
If we could have a new piece of merchandise I would ask for a usb wrist band with the concert audio on (the pussycat dolls had one for this years tour and went down a treat!) We have never had something with just quality audio from a concert (aside from the dvd)."